Let’s have a little chat about Betty, an imaginary client whose looking for a colourful capsule wardrobe but isn’t sure if this even exists. She’s found loads of visual examples of capsule wardrobes filled with black, white and gray with a few hints of brown for “colour”… but what about all the other amazing colours? You…
Colours That Go Together So Well You Won’t Need Trends
Every year there are a group of colours that get released that are “this season’s colours”, which is cool but you really don’t need them to know the spring colours that go together well. Because even though there are yearly colour combinations that come and go there are also colours that you’ll see paired together…
Do Soft Colours Bring You Joy?
If you find joy in soft colours you probably have a wonderful way of balancing femininity and a strong drive to achieve (even if you don’t yet know it). Soft colours can get quite close to gray sometimes, which means you may actually find it hard to find “colours” you like instead gravitating to gray….
Do Cool Colours Bring You Joy?
Cool colours are a beautiful mix of the misty colours of summer and the bright icy colours of winter. I picture mist rising off ice as it melts in the warm spring sun. These colours feel bright and muted at the same time and have a beautifully elegant depth to them. Women who are drawn…
Do Clear Colours Bring You Joy?
Even though the colours that bring me true joy to wear are in the spring colour palette, I will often “borrow” from clear colours and wear them every once in a while. I love the bright bold look these clear colours have, so when I want to stand out more, I often travel into this palette….
Do Deep Colours Bring You Joy?
If you’re drawn to deep colours you may find you wear a lot of black, not feeling too sure if any other colours really suit you. Deep colours get as close to black as it can without actually being black so the colours feel almost like they themselves are neutrals. The overall effect of deep…
Do Winter Colours Bring You Joy?
Winter colours tend to draw people in even if the colours themselves aren’t actually a fave. This often happens because many fashion designers design in these colours in the fall/winter, so you may wear the colours just so you can rock the latest styles. Winter neutrals also tend to be readily available so you might…
Is the Warm Colour Palette Filled with Your Best Colours?
When you’re in a colour consult, your style coach will look for “tells” to see if a colour is doing good things for you or not-so-good things. Everyone’s tells are different. Some people look ten pounds heavier in some colours and ten pounds lighter in others… some people who aren’t wearing makeup look like they’ve suddenly put lipstick…
Will Autumn Colours Bring You Joy?
Whether autumn colours are your favourite, or the colours in another palette, finding your best colours actually makes dressing easier. Yes, colours help you look pulled together, and that’s important, but they also make mornings infinitely simpler. How? Colours within a palette share the same properties, which means they always look cohesive when worn together. So,…
Is the Light Colour Palette Filled with Your Best Colours?
If you’re having a hard time deciding if a colour palette is filled with your best colours, try taking some of the pressure off yourself. Instead of focusing on whether they work well on your skin, try focusing on colours that you’re really, truly drawn to… naturally. Try to take the colours you’re told to like out of…